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Playing LASR Chess

Congratulations on deploying LASR Chess and familiarizing yourself with its codebase. Now, you can explore how the frontend interacts with a LASR project, providing practical insights into adapting LASR Chess for your specific requirements.

Running the Frontend

To interact with the LASR Chess frontend, execute the following steps:

Step 1: Configure Your Environment Variables

In the last step of the deployment, you were required to save the program address from the CLI output. Use this, along with credentials from your keypairs.json file, to link the frontend with your LASR Chess project:

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory and rename the .env.example file to .env.
  2. Update the NEXT_PUBLIC_CHESS_PROGRAM_ADDRESS variable with the program address you saved earlier.
  3. Set NEXT_PUBLIC_CHESS_OWNER_ADDRESS to the address in the lasr/.lasr/wallet/keypair.json file.
  4. Insert the secret key from the same keypair.json file into the CHESS_OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY variable.

Step 2: Launch the Frontend

First, navigate to the frontend directory and install the required dependencies. Then you're ready to start the frontend server by executing the following commands:

cd app \
&& npm install \
&& npm run dev

You can now explore the functionalities of LASR Chess.

Playing Chess

LASR Chess allows users to engage with a variety of features on the blockchain. Following, you will find description and sequence diagrams of how each of these actions works, interacting with the main program and with users' NFTs:

The registerUser method will register a new user in the main program. The GIF below presents an example of adding a user in the frontend application:

The register user process above is broken down below:

  1. The user inputs its data and clicks the register button
  2. The application calls the registerUser() method.
  3. The LASR Chess program registers the user's data in the main program.
  4. LASR Chess grabs an available tokenId and transfers it to the user's NFT, adding LASR Chess's program address as a approved party to the user's NFT.
  5. LASR Chess returns the transaction data to the CLI/frontend.
  6. LASR Chess requests approval to modify the user's NFT in future transactions through the frontend.
  7. The user clicks the Approves LASR Chess to Get Started button.
  8. The application calls the approve() method, giving permission to LASR Chess.

The following diagram exemplifies the above process using a sequence diagram:


Frontend and LASR Interaction

To better understand the LASR Chess application, you need to understand the interaction between the frontend and LASR. The frontend communicates with the LASR project you deployed using a JSON-RPC API. This network protocol enables data exchange between clients and servers.

The JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol encoded in JSON. It allows for calling functions remotely and supports multiple data structures. A JSON-RPC request includes the following fields:

  • jsonrpc: Specifies the version of the JSON-RPC protocol.
  • method: The name of the method to be invoked on the server.
  • params: The parameters to be passed to the method. This can be an array or an object.
  • id: A unique identifier for the request, which helps match the response with the corresponding request.

The code snippet below is an example of how a LASR Chess frontend application communicates with the LASR server using the Axios library:

await'', {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'lasr_getAccount',
params: [programAddress],
id: 1,
note is the endpoint URL where the LASR server listens for requests.